Thank you for making #2023inKarbon
the biggest year yet.

Have a scroll and discover what Karbon firms around the world achieved together.

emails and notifications cleared.


Karbon customers responded to their clients and colleagues with precision and care, keeping a level head while juggling tasks and communication,

tasks and emails assigned.


There was constant communication and new client work, but things never stayed still for long. Karbon customers deftly delegated tasks at the right time, keeping the wheels turning and the lights on.

client jobs completed.


Productivity soared this year. Karbon firms consistently delivered results, met deadlines, and made their clients happy.

comments posted.


More comments were shared than ever before—answering questions, sending reminders, and pulling in others at the right time with a decisive @mention.

October was the most productive month.

More emails received, more work completed, more AI utilized. Every month was a big one in 2023, but output soared across the globe in October.

actions automated using Karbon AI.


Karbon customers boldly and securely employed domain-specific tokens in their firm’s GPT-powered LLM to work faster and smarter (and you know what that all means… right?!)


And amongst all of this, 2,946,954 days were spent in Karbon.

That’s a huge 8,067 years of combined customer time. Time spent communicating with clients, collaborating with colleagues, planning projects, meeting deadlines, completing tasks and delivering work. All within Karbon.

Karbon is the collaborative practice management platform for accounting firms. Bring your team, clients, systems, and data together in one place.

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